Is your phobia keeping you from doing the things you like to do? Do you recognise you have a fear or phobia, but you are uncertain of how to deal with it? Do you feel your fear is irrational, yet it’s difficult to keep control over it? Is the fear automatic and completely overwhelming or hugely over exaggerated?
Dealing directly with a traumatic event and finding the trigger will remove the need for your brain to go into a state of panic, fear or phobia. These feelings of panic, fear or phobia usually pose little or no actual danger but your brain overreacts, starts to overthink and panic sets in. Some fears or phobias are related to what happened in your childhood and once uncovered can be dealt with swiftly.
Understanding your fear or phobia is the first step to overcoming it.
Fears and phobias could include:
- Fear of flying
- Fear of spiders or insects
- Fear of birds
- Fear of snakes
- Fear of needles
- Fear of clowns
- Fear of public speaking
- Fear of heights
- Exams stress or taking exams
- Fear of vomiting
- Fear of the sight of blood
- Fear of open spaces or buildings
- Fear of heights
- Fear of dogs
- Fear of the dentist or doctor
- Fear of the dark
- Fear of motorway driving
- Fear of social situations
These may be triggered by sights, sounds, smells, objects, situations or events.