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Mental Vitamin Workshop – Wellness and Self-Care for Today’s Professional

Mental Vitamin Workshop – Wellness and Self-Care for Today’s Professional

Mental Vitamin Workshop – wellness and self-care for today’s professional

Now online every month! Use the bookings and payments tab to book directly through Eventbrite.
Learn how to look after your mind!
This workshop focuses on deep relaxation and disconnection techniques to allow you to recharge your brain and provides the ultimate plan to building better mental health. Build resilience in your day-to-day life and secure your mental and emotional strength moving yourself forward quickly. Like physical exercise, our brain needs to recharge and restore its fuel source. By attending the Mental Vitamin workshop you will learn how to manage your mental health and well-being, helping yourself, colleagues, family and friends along the way. 
Address: Bedford Heights, Brickhill Road, Bedford, MK41 7PH