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Vitamins for your mind

We work with teams suffering anxiety and stress to bring back balance and productivity.

Stress and anxiety are rising in the hybrid workplace and employees aren’t always asking for help. A variety of stressors have been accelerating under working from home (WFH) and Covid-19 and the old coping mechanisms aren’t working any more.

The ‘ALWAYS ON’ nature of working from home has brought into sharp focus domestic and relationship issues and the inability to ‘shut off life and go to the office’ has caused a host of additional mental health concerns not seen before.

Businesses try to assist with work-life balance but don’t always know what’s happening in an employee’s personal life and how that’s affecting job performance, emotional wellbeing and decision making. Add to that challenges such as co-worker conflicts, large workloads and disjointed management and reporting structures and the burden becomes too heavy for many.

Stress, depression and anxiety led to 12.8 million working days lost last year in Great Britain before the ‘new normal’ that we are currently living through. Employee absence or underperformance can usually be absorbed by a healthy team but nowadays it can easily start a spiral of overwhelm and overload that depletes teams and departments very quickly.

The implications for businesses are stark if we have to live under this regime for years not months. Staff with specialised skills and knowledge gained through high level training can be lost, not temporarily – they may never return once they leave. The impact on competitiveness, productivity and ultimately survival of some businesses can be predicated on this alone. The slow depletion of resources has already started and for every employee that leaves, more come under increased pressure. Perhaps, they don’t leave – yet, but they are negatively affected make no mistake.

A way of relieving mental pressure and reducing stress and anxiety is now needed but not only that, a way of staying mentally healthy whatever comes, is now an essential business tool and should be part of every employee wellbeing package.

We decided that we have the skillsets in employee wellbeing, motivation and performance and that something had to be done to offer under-pressure staff and the companies they work for a solution. Not a quick fix, rather we have to teach staff the latest, modern techniques to relieve their stress and anxiety and to keep themselves mentally healthy going forward. A mental resilience inoculation we think of as “Vitamins for your Mind”.

NEW – Our Vitamins for your Mind ‘Intensive Program’ – A course specially designed to support staff suffering from the overload and stresses of working from home in the aftermath of Covid-19. Bringing together decades of experience working with corporates and the challenges they face; this course is presented by Bonita Ackerman du Preez and David Ball.

Vitamins for your Mind – The Intensive Program – Removing Anxiety & Stress in the workplace.


  1. First steps to a happier you Destination – Transformation
  2. The essence of anxiety – know your enemy Putting anxiety back in its box
  3. Targeting your personal distress Discover YOUR triggers and how to wipe them away
  4. Rebuilding your resilience Intense training using cutting edge therapies
  5. Staying healthy – The Plan A structured plan to NEVER be anxious again
  6. Transforming your future My anxiety is gone but what about…………….

The Vitamins for your Mind ‘Intensive Program’ can be delivered in person or online. Its INTENSIVE so it only takes a day.

If you run a company, a department or team, are an HR professional or are simply feeling anxious or stressed at work and want to find out more please get in touch by any method that is comfortable for you.


Phone 07970011235


Phone 07738056743