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Confidence & Resilience Therapist


Julie is known for putting people first, helping clients to overcome limiting thoughts and behaviors that hold them back, empowering them to thrive in life.

Julie has excelled in leadership roles within the Ministry of Justice and the Education Sector, achieving Chartermark, Investors in People Gold, and has successfully navigated her workforce through the ever-changing and demanding landscape that signifies modern day living and working. Her background in Recruitment, Operations, and Business Management, led her to study and qualify as a Personal Performance Coach with the prestigious Coaching Academy. She was subsequently invited to become a licensed DiSC personality profile trainer and she incorporates this within her coaching practice.

Julie truly believes in her client’s abilities to achieve their goals and dreams. She would say that she is a glass overflowing kind of woman who champions her clients and will challenge them to achieve more than they ever thought possible but in a supportive and down-to-earth way.

Julie has worked with a number of clients which have resulted in them being able to increase their confidence, understand themselves, warts and all, use their strengths to overcome their challenges, value themselves, become more assertive, and ultimately to celebrate who they are, knowing their purpose and achieving fulfillment in their professional and personal lives.

A quote from one of her clients “You have facilitated such positive change in my life and others, thank you”. Julie says “there’s no greater pleasure than seeing clients grow, blossom, and flourish. The seed is in all of us, we just need to water it”.

I am known as Julie Brown – Career | Confidence Coach and DiSC Profiler and Trainer