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Trauma & PTSD Therapist


Matt is an Integral Eye Movement Therapist and approved trainer. Having been involved with therapy and personal development for over 15 years, Matt has a unique perspective on change work techniques specializing in a content-free way of working. This means you do not have to talk about your issues to get amazing results.

Matt has vast experience in helping people who are stuck in life and want to move forward. By dealing with past traumas and emotional baggage, he is able to free his clients to create a better future. By focusing on relieving negative memories and emotions, you are able to explore a new way of living without all the anxiety and self-doubt that have been holding you back.

Matt fuses IEMT, Hypnosis, NLP, and other change-work techniques to help bring about huge personal changes in a no-nonsense straightforward way. His clients have often commented that his techniques have worked were many others therapists have failed.